2010年9月26日 星期日

台灣原住民音樂 Taiwanese aboriginal music

Suddenly, I wanted to write something  about Taiwanese aboriginal music.

Because of the I round the Taiwan island in 2009, go to some tribes, re-understand the land of the people and things in Taiwan, I often moved, because Taiwan is really a lot of beautiful places, if you want to go, you will get a lot.

Taiwan has many different tribes, each tribe's language, habits, culture, isn't the same (it's like the Bunun with Amis or Puyuma can not communicate, Oh! In fact, live in different areas, such as Taitung, Nantou, the same of the Bunun, but language the difference is there), as the indigenous population say , "White people" (plains people) of us about these great interest in tribal culture, and most of the culture and the arts, the most frequently come into contact with ordinary people, I think is "music" .

I'm not study of music, and no professional advice, but I want to introduce some of my favorite singer or band aboriginal creation, will be great music to share with everyone.
這次介紹的歌手都是在部落有知名度的,每位歌手在網路上的介紹都非常多了,我就只放一些是一定要聽的歌 (雖然真的還有很多好聽的歌......)
These  singer in Taiwan, can introduction to the Internet very much, so I just put some one "must listen to the song" (though there are many people have really good songs .. ....)

陳建年 Pur-dur
  海洋  Ocean
官方網站 Official Website / 陳建年資訊網Pur-dur.com
其他介紹 Other Introduce Website / 角頭音樂│陳建年 (唱片封面點選進去,即有試聽歌曲可供點選 Click album cover image in, there are song lyrics for click)
陳建年在鐵花村現場演唱照片PHOTO by Echo蔓

巴奈 Panai
  流浪記 Panai Wandering
官方網站 Official Website / 巴奈Panai 唱她的朋友::::停在那片藍A Piece of Blue::::
其他介紹 Other Introduce Website / 角頭音樂│巴奈 (唱片封面點選進去,即有試聽歌曲可供點選 Click album cover image in, there are song lyrics for click)

南王姐妹花 Nanwan Sisters, Honey Voices
官方網站 Official Blog / 焦糖...花蜜與甘泉:南王姐妹花honeyvoices官方部落格blog
其他介紹 Other Introduce Website / 角頭音樂│南王姐妹花 (唱片封面點選進去,即有試聽歌曲可供點選 Click album cover image in, there are song lyrics for click)  

圖騰樂團 TOTEM
 放羊的孩子  The shepherd boy 我在那邊唱  I sing in there
One More Time
官方網站 Official Blog / TOTEM圖騰樂團
其他介紹 Other Introduce Website / wikipedia-圖騰樂團 / wikipedia-我在那邊唱

另外也推薦 龍哥、紀曉君、昊恩家家、王宏恩,黑孩子樂團的音樂,黑孩子之前在布農部落表演時我有攝影,其他的哪天我有時間再介紹吧,不然這篇就真的太長了!!
There is also recommended Long-Ge(龍哥), Samingad(紀曉君), Jia Jia & Hao-En(昊恩家家), Biung(王宏恩), black children(黑孩子), and black children perform before the Bunun tribe, I have photography, the other day I had time to introduce it, because this really is too long !!

2010年9月21日 星期二

凡那比颱風in台東布農部落 Typhoon in Bunun







2010年9月18日 星期六

先小小預告一下 Little notice



1. 以後我會盡量都把文章加上英文翻譯,雖然以我目前的英文程度,我只能用google翻譯為主,自己修改為輔,但是因為開始Postcrossing以後,很多外國人都會點閱我的網誌,我也要多加強語文能力。

2. 未來對部落格的內容和照片,會再多加要求,希望能夠多點言之有物,或是圖中有感,而壓了太久的文章,會再加緊腳步放上來的。

1. 使用Postcrossing以來,已經好幾張明信片,但是卻沒時間好好紀錄,所以之後會認真紀錄我的Postcrossing生活,也會想想如何介紹這些美麗的明信片。

2. 目前在Postcrossing上我會主動詢問寄信給我的人,是否願意收到我的回信,也希望他們回覆地址給我,或是有人欣賞我寄去的明信片而跟我有交流,因此常常我也會有意外收穫,也跟對方有好的連絡,我想Postcrossing的魅力真的是在此吧,之後我也會紀錄這些互動,也讓其他參予的人有個參考。

3. 大陸的icardyou在系統設計上有些缺點,以及一些收信寄信的優劣,之後也會慢慢分析。

1. 覺得自己應該可以買個好相機拍照了,等到結案後就會去選台單眼數位,當然好相機也要有好技術,沒有用過專業相機的我,已經看好攝影課程了,這樣才不會浪費好相機。

2. 原本想做的事情當然很多,但是考慮到經費問題,我想忙完案子也就得乖乖找工作了。所以蘭嶼、屏東的朋友,今年或許無法再見面了,但是我們還有以後!想要去的一些地方,打工度假或是窩在東部的角落,我想以後我還是會去做,只是現階段,台北的房租還有我的學貸都是不小的壓力,所以這些事情只能等待從長計議了。

3. 所以台北的朋友,我又快要回台北了,請不要飯局很滿,我早該減肥了!東部的朋友,我又要離開了,這次可能就不要問我"去台北幹麻" "什麼時候回來" "你不是要一直在這裡嗎" ,我有我的壓力,或許有機會我們可以再合作,畢竟我真的很喜歡台東,只是我想要在專業上多磨練幾年。

1. 布農的包裝設計案終於要邁向結案的一步,我想這是成功的一大步~哈哈。最近正要把布農的包裝做成一本像CI手冊一樣,這是為了方便以後大家發印方便找檔案,不然這裡目前沒有專業的設計人員,交接是個大問題,雖然我的經費不多,但是可以做的還是要認真做。

2. 布農的展場設計案,幾個月前就說要做,目前也還沒動工,因為希望盡量在10月就回到台北(不然每次在布農都會住太久),所以也可能就會在台北設計,不過事先得把細節確認好,這對布農的施工和人員來說,應該是個大問題~哈

3. 部落格上的開放的明信片貼紙設計,之前貼紙印刷技術問題,讓我臨時調整了很多東西,改天會整理個正式規範,讓大家可以明確知道細節,最近也在比較其他廠商,已經確認有家的規格可以讓大家有更好的設計、更漂亮的貼紙,但是很久沒有配合這家廠商,許多資料得重新更新,所以之後也會有更完善的設計方案給大家選擇。

4. 一般要請我設計文宣品或是包裝,請留言或是mail給我,我看到信一定會回給你,謝謝,留言的話也記得寫上你的mail,我才能即時回給你!!
我的信箱是 e120483@gmail.com

Lazy for a long time, have not updated blog, in fact, quite a few are written text file or write them in half, have not yet released (say this seems to be lazy in the fact that his only consolation.)
All in all, those articles, I will be pressed a little longer issued, intend to rush these days the design of the Bunun first case of complete, should make a tidy mind and the next step, as well as blogs and postcards have some good finishing.

BLOG notice ------------------------------------------------ ---------
1. Then I will try to regard the article with English translation, although my current English level, I can only use the google translation based, supplemented by their own changes, because the start Postcrossing after reading a lot of foreigners I will point blog, I have more emphasis on language skills.
2. The future of the content of blogs and photos, will be more requirements in the hope of more meaningful, or felt the figure, while the pressure of a long article, will further step up the pace not impress.

Postcard notice ------------------------------------------------ --------
1. Using Postcrossing since, its been a few postcards, but no time to make good records, so the record will seriously after my Postcrossing life, will think about how to introduce these beautiful postcards.
2. Now on I will ask about Postcrossing sent a letter to me, is willing to receive my reply, I hope they return address to me or someone I admire and send me a postcard exchange, so often I will have a windfall, but also have good contact with each other, I would like to Postcrossing this is really the charm of it, then I will record these interactions, but also let other people have to participate in a reference.
3. Icardyou the mainland there are some shortcomings in the system design, as well as send a letter prepared to receive some of the pros and cons, and then will gradually analysis.

Personal notice ------------------------------------------------ ----------
1. Feel that they should be able to buy a good camera to take pictures, until the closing will go to radio stations after the digital SLR, of course, your camera should also have good technology, there is no professional camera I used, have been optimistic about the photography class, and so that it does not waste of a good camera.
2. Had a lot of want to do, of course, but considering the financial implications, I think the case also have busy girl, looking for work. Therefore, Orchid Island, Pingtung friends, might not meet again this year, but we still have time! Want to go some places, working holiday or nest in the eastern corner, I think I will do it later, but at this stage, Taipei rent and my school loans are not a small pressure, so these things only can wait for a long-term perspective of the.
3. So friends in Taipei, I was going back to Taipei, please do the dinner was over, I should lose weight! Eastern friends, I have to leave, this may not ask me "whatcha to Taipei," "come back" "You do not want to have here," I have my pressure, and perhaps we can then have the opportunity to cooperate After all, I really like Taitung, but more than I want to hone the professional years.

 ------------------------------------------------ Case notice ----------
1. Bunun packaging design case is finally a step towards closing, I think this is a big success ~ haha. Bunun recently was about to make a packaging as manual as the CI, which is printed for the convenience of easy to look after you send the file, or there is currently no professional designers, the transfer is a big problem, although my limited funds, but can do still have to seriously do.
2. Bunun exhibition design project, a few months ago he said to do, is also yet to start, because I hope as much as possible in 10 months to return to Taipei (otherwise each will live long in the Bunun), so it may be Design in Taipei, but the details have to confirm in advance is good, which is the construction and the Bunun people, it should be a major problem ~ Ha
3. An open blog sticker design postcards, stickers printing problems before, so I temporarily adjust a lot, another day will organize a formal specification, so that we can clearly know the details, more recently, compared with other manufacturers, has been confirmed home specifications you can let everyone have a better design, more beautiful sticker, but not with this company a long time, much of the information was re-updated, so there will be better after the design of choice for everyone.
4. Generally asked me to design promotional materials or packaging, please leave a message or mail to me, I will read the letter back to you, thank you, also remember the words of a message write your mail, I can immediately back to you!!  My mailbox is :  e120483@gmail.com